To ensure our neighborhood is a great place to live, we have several volunteer only committees.
Beautification Committee
The Beautification Committee is responsible for maintain the two landscaped areas at the entrances to the neighborhood (Kelsey and Redwing). This committee is also responsible for bringing property ascetic concerns to the compliance committee.
Welcome Committee
The Welcome Committee is responsible for distributing the welcome packet to new neighbors.
Compliance Committee
The Compliance Committee should address all covenant violations. This committee should also take unresolved compliance issues to the Architectural Committee.
Social Committee
The Social Committee is responsible for working with the secretary to get information out to all residents. This committee is also responsible for planning any neighborhood picnics/parties.
Architectural Committee
The Architectural Committee is set by the covenants. This committee is responsible for approving architectural requests for the neighborhood as well as covenant enforcement after efforts made by the compliance committee.
Safety Committee
The Safety Committee is responsible for looking out for safety issues in the neighborhood and working with the Neighborhood Watch Block Captains.
For a full list of duties for each committee, please see the Welcome Packet.